Archive, Event

Bodies in the Cloud: SGP Team @ CPDP


The Computers, Privacy, & Data Protection (CPDP) conference is an annual three-day event devoted to privacy and data protection. CPDP gathers academics, lawyers, practitioners, policy-makers, industry, and civil society from all over the world in Brussels. It offers an arena to exchange ideas and discuss the latest legal, regulatory, academic, and technological developments, making CPDP one of the leading data protection and privacy conferences in Europe and around the world.

This year’s conference theme “The Internet of Bodies” focused on new technologies such as the IoT and contextualised their impact on human beings.

Dr Leonie Tanczer from PETRAS Standards, Governance and Policy (SGP) research team was invited to speak on the panel “Bodies in the Cloud”, organised by the international non-profit, human rights group Access Now.

The panel was chaired by the independent journalist Wendy Grossman and moderated by Lucie Krahulcova (Access Now).

Fellow panelists included Ana-Maria Fimin (DG CNECT), Ailidh Callander (Privacy International), Chris Gow (CISCO), and Lukasz Olejnik (Security and Privacy Consultant).

The discussion centred on security and privacy issues within the emerging IoT environment as well as arising demands for an update of the existing liability regime.