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Phase 2 of the Cyberhygiene expert study has launched! We welcome new experts to take part


We have just launched the second phase of our security/Internet of Things (IoT) expert study. Researchers from the UCL Cyberhygiene project are working with experts to understand threats and Cyberhygiene (protective end-user behaviours) in Internet of Things environments.

In the last phase, we asked experts a number of open-ended questions to obtain a range of diverse responses from our panel. After analysing the data, we were able to assess the frequency in which experts discussed similar threats and user behaviours. In the latest phase, experts will be presented with these behaviours and asked to assess them on a number of criteria (importance and usability).

We aim to identify important protective behaviours so that we can develop intervention strategies and guidelines for developers, companies, and end-users on improving Cyberhygiene.

Can I still take part?

Participation at this stage would involve completing two online questionnaires sent to you (approx. 15-20 minutes each time) to obtain your opinions on these issues. In receipt of your time, we will be running a free bespoke behaviour change and networking event with our specialists at the UCL centre for behaviour change.

If you are interested, please visit the project page for more information and to register your interest.