
eValuatE: New Forms of Public Value at the Edge

PETRAS Community Development Event


Date: Monday 11th April 2022

Time: 13.30-14.30

The PETRAS Community Development events have been created to offer the wider PETRAS community the opportunity to meet up, network and discover new things.

We offer our community the opportunity to present their own work, discuss topics of interest or to listen to and join relevant discussions from those both inside and out the PETRAS Network. Events can focus on themes, topics or industries drawn from PETRAS’s overall goals and lenses.

This event will host Dr Neelima Sailaja (University of Nottingham) and Dr Rhia Jones (BBC R&D) who will be discussing their work on the PETRAS eValuatE project.

The turn towards personal data is driving innovation but presents socio-technical challenges for public service media, like the BBC. As audience trust forms a core part of their remit, the BBC are experimenting with physical edge devices to alleviate these challenges on a practical level.

The design and evaluation of new data-driven media services is supported by an edge device that allows data portability, including a cross service media recommender. The BBC have formed interdisciplinary partnerships to experiment with decentralised approaches to IoT data driven media innovation to test the viability of such responses through an audience facing trial. This real-world context would elicit findings that contribute to current and future data-driven BBC services.

The University of Nottingham is an active partner in the BBC’s new forms of public value programme. Their collaboration sought to accelerate the BBC’s research agenda around the user trial through the application of more extensive qualitative research methods that unpack user attitudes, actual behaviours and user verdict around the value of edge solutions. Building upon these responses, we present our contribution of five key properties that future PDS-s could focus on to alleviate user concerns and support user engagement in the digital economy.

If you would like to discuss this event or you would like to develop a session of your own, please contact Claire Coulton (c.coulton@ucl.ac.uk).