Securing the Value of Smart Metering (SeMIoT)

SeMIoT – Securing the Value of Smart Metering


SeMIoT will explore consumer behaviour and adaptation to energy supply by Randomised Controlled Trials in 500 households in East London (managed by Poplar Harca) to inform the market design, pricing and intervention mechanisms for future energy markets. These households will receive remote controllable plugs in combination with different incentive schemes. We will subject them to random “switch off events” to determine their contribution to load balancing conditional on various situations and thus the capacity of the virtual power plant embedded in households. The results can help drive pricing and other behavioural mechanisms that allow the grid to manage peaks and improve efficiency

Targeted Outcomes:

  • Understanding the use and impact of real time feedback through smart meters and smart plugs and developing strategies to improve adoption.
  • Understanding and modelling behavioural patterns and methods for Internet of Things (IoT) applications
  • Assessment of various forms of intervention (inducing norms, providing discounts/awards or competition)
  • Learning from individual responses and predicting the response of future interventions

Milestones Achieved:

  • College approval of sensitive data usage from subjects;
  • Design, implementation and launch of online platform for POWer BALance (;
  • Testing of switch-off mechanisms and responses in controlled environments;
  • Energy champions adopting the new technologies in East London;
  • Pilot testing in real environments;
  • Filming overview of SeMIoT for IoT UK (;
  • Filming case study with users and administrators of SeMIoT for IoT UK (pending).